Calcium Carbonate, Calcitriol, Vitamin K2-7, Boron & Zinc Soft Gelatin Capsules


Product Composition

This composition contains calcium carbonate, calcitriol, vitamin K2-7, boron and zinc which works by building bones and promotes formation of new bones and removal of existing bones. These supplements activate osteoblast and reduces aggressive activity of osteoclast in osteoporosis.


⇛ Osteoporosis
⇛ Osteomalacia
⇛ Hypophosphatemia
⇛ Hypoparathyroidism

About Composition

Calcium carbonate is used as dietary supplement for maintain optimum level of calcium in the body because calcium is necessary for healthy bones, muscles, nervous system and heart. Calcium is also used as antacid to provide relief from the heartburn, acid indigestion and stomach upset.

Calcitriol is considered as active from of vitamin D. It is made in the kidneys. It is indicated for the treatment of hyperparathyroidism which occurs due to some kidney disease, treatment of osteomalacia, hypophosphatemia. Vitamin K2-7 help in maintain the good bone health by activating the osteocalcin that is protein which helps in the transport of the calcium into bones and bone matrix. It maintains the balance between reabsorption and formation of bone mass.

Boron is a mineral works by acting as cofactor that helps the vitamin D to remain in the body for longer time by lengthening its time and allow vitamin D to absorb more calcium from the small intestine and provide it to bones.

Zinc helps in the formation of osteoclast and inhibits the osteoclast reabsorption thus it increases bone mineral density and bone mass too. zinc prevents the bone loss and helps in the treatment of bone disorders.

Side Effects

⇛ Nausea
⇛ Vomiting
⇛ Somnolence
⇛ Weakness
⇛ Headache
⇛ Constipation
⇛ Dry mouth


⇛ Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity reaction
⇛ Contraindicated in hypercalcemia

Drug Interactions



Store it at room temperature